Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Obama Effect Part #1

Did anyone watch the Town Hall meeting Wednesday, July 1 on healthcare? I didn't think so!! Who watches CSPAN 2 anyways? Well, actually I did! It was amazing to see how scripted this open forum actually was. The online questions were obviously filtered, and of course no right-wing Republican will be allowed to attend. Therefore the screening of attendees was also beneficial to the Obama Administration. Lets keep the real issues hidden and give all of the benefits to our new "Healthcare Reform" ideas! It was the same as watching reality TV where you already know what the ending will be, after meeting all of the characters. But in this case it was knowing the answer after the question was asked. Do you actually think "The Hills" or "Jon & Kate Plus 8" isn't scripted to some degree?? Seriously!! You still watch it though. These open forums are nothing but PR Stunts or Pseudo Events, if you will!! Let the "Transperancy" continue.....

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